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Department of Agricultural Economics

Student Organizations in the department and on campus: Get involved!

Clubs and Activities

Classes are important, but what you do outside of class during your time at K-State is also important. Activities in the Department of Agricultural Economics add experiences to your time at K-State that develop leadership, create friendships, and explore new ideas. Please take a look at the following organizations and learn how you can get involved!

Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Club

The Agricultural Economics/Agribusiness Club benefits members with activities in the following areas:
Student interaction with students in agriculture and related fields
Student interaction with Ag Econ Dept. faculty and staff
Student interaction with industry leaders and company representatives

Some club events include:
Fall & Spring Trips: Chicago, Arkansas, Kansas City, Topeka
Volunteer service projects: Relay for Life
Intramural activities: Co-ed volleyball
Social events: Bowling, bonfires, barbeques
Fundraising activities: Cleanups, departmental fundraising

For more information please contact Dr. Aleksan Shanoyan, or Dr. Keith Harris.

K-State Agricultural Economics/Agribusiness NAMA

The Kansas State National Agri-Marketing Association is a great way for college students to begin their careers in the agricultural industry.

Meeting Times: Twice a month, on set Mondays at 5:30

At our student chapter meetings, guest speakers provide valuable insight on a variety of topics including: • Career Development • Marketing • Motivation • Research and Development • Personal Advancement • Advertising • Public Relations • Sales

For more information please contact our advisor David Lehman.

FFA Farm and Agribusiness Management Contest

Teams of four can compete with the top three scores counting for team total.

The Farm & Agribusiness Management event will have one part: Several problems designed to determine the team member’s ability to apply economic principles to solving agribusiness type problems. The test will include multiple choice, numerical calculations and true/false questions. This part will include questions similar to previous years tests available on the website. Students will have 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete the exam.

Team members will work as individuals on all portions of the exam. Contestants may use calculators. Cell phone and cell phone calculators will not be allowed. Use of other materials is prohibited – computers, books, etc. A coin toss will be used to break scores.

The Farm & Agribusiness Management CDE Contest Exams from previous years are available on the Department of Agricultural Economics website. The following options will help you locate the exams:

Direct link to the exams
Steps to locate the exams
1. Visit the K-State Department of Agricultural Economics website at: http://www.ageconomics.k-state.edu/
2. On the left side bar, click on the tab "Undergraduate Student Programs"
3. On the menu that pops up, select “Student Organizations”
4. Click on the option labeled “FFA Agribusiness Contest”
Tests and keys for the years 2006-2010 & 2012 can be found at this website. Last year’s group exercise is also available.

Dr. Gregg Ibendahl, ibendahl@ksu.edu
Dr. Terry Griffin, twgriffin@ksu.edu

For more info about FFA Contest:
Coordinator of Recruitments and Events
College of Agriculture